3 things you need to know about driving with dogs this summer

Make sure your furry friends enjoy your road trips as much as you do! We’ve got you covered with tips to ensure your dog is safe, cool, and content this summer.

I think we all enjoy packing up the vehicle, grabbing the essentials, and heading to an adventure outdoors somewhere when the weather warms up. Whether it’s a park, a day at the beach, hiking, or something else – your four-legged friends would love to tag along. Here are some tips for making memories with your pooch this summer in a safe and fun way!

Tip #1 – Make sure you pack plenty of water and have a plan in mind to keep cool!

Hot temperatures bring an increased risk of overheating, or even in severe situations, experiencing heat stroke. Make sure to keep a supply of water available constantly when your dog is outside in hot temperatures. Other options to help them keep cool include giving them frozen treats, purchasing cooling gear (like a cooling vest or bandana) for them to wear, limiting heat exposure by finding shady spots to hang out in, having water sports or a splash pad around, and of course, limiting the duration of time they’re exposed to the heat.

Tip #2 – Never leave your dog in a hot car!

It is NEVER okay to leave your dog alone in a hot vehicle, even if you’re only away for a few minutes. Cracking a window is not enough to keep a vehicle cool in hot conditions! Heatstroke and death can occur within 30 minutes if the temperature is high enough. This may seem like common sense but every year we hear stories of strangers breaking windows to help a dog in need or the owner coming back to find their dog is no longer with them. Check out this graphic to see just how fast your car heats up once you leave!

Tip #3 – Make sure when your dog is secure when driving!

You can buy a number of products to make sure your dog is secure and in a safe part of the vehicle while you drive. First, your dog should never travel in the front seat (neither with the driver, a front seat passenger, nor sitting on the front passenger seat). Your furry friend is the most at risk of being severely injured here if the airbags deploy or if a collision occurs that launches them from the vehicle. Once placed in the backseat, your dog can also be secured with things like a backseat harness attachment, a backseat hammock/barrier, a backseat booster, or a crate/carrier. Securing your dog with one of these items helps keep them safe and you distraction free as the driver. Check out the following video to learn more about travelling with pets:

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